湖泊 流域

治理 修复 管理



  姓名:徐华成                                                职称:研究员                         电话:025-86882209

  电子邮件:hcxu@niglas.ac.cn                      通讯地址:南京市北京东路73号


  2020.05~至今 ,研究员

  2016.3~2017.3 美国大湖研究中心, 访问学者

  2013.5~2015.5 南京大学环境学院,博士后(在职)

  2014.01~2020.04 ,副研究员

  2011.09~2013.12 ,助理研究员


  2008.09~2011.09 同济大学,环境工程专业,博士

  2005.09~2008.07 青岛理工大学,环境工程专业,硕士

  2001.09~2005.07 青岛理工大学,环境科学专业,学士











  1) Xu Huacheng, Li Yani, Liu Jin, Du Haiyan, Du Yingxun, Su Yaling, Jiang Helong. Photogeneration and steady-state concentration of hydroxyl radical in river and lake waters along middle-lower Yangtze region, China. Water Research. 176, 115774, 2020.

  2) Xu Huacheng, Li Yani, Zhao Ling, Du Haiyan, Jiang Helong. Molecular weight-dependent heterogeneities in photochemical formation of hydroxyl radical from dissolved organic matters with different sources. Science of The Total Environment. 725, 138402, 2020.

  3) Xu Huacheng, Li Fangfang, Kong Ming, Lv Xizhi, Du Haiyang, Jiang Helong. Adsorption of cyanobacterial extracellular polymeric substance on colloidal particle: Influence of molecular weight. Science of The Total Environment. 715, 136959, 2020.

  4) Du Haiyan, Yu Guanghui, Guo Mengjing, Xu Huacheng*. Investigation of carbon dynamics in rhizosphere by synchrotron radiation-based fourier transform infrared combined with two dimensional correlation spectroscopy. Science of The Total Environment. 143078, 2020.

  5) Fu Xiaowei, Pan Jizheng, Xu Huacheng*. Characterization and modification of the molecular weight distribution within dissolved organic matter using flow field-flow fractionation. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods. 18, 560-569, 2020.

  6) Pan Jizheng, Fu Xiaowei, Wang Changhui, Song Na, Lv Xizhi, Xu Huacheng*. Adsorption and molecular weight fractionation of dissolved organic matters with different origins on colloidal surface. Chemosphere. 261, 127774, 2020.

  7) Xu Huacheng, Zou Li, Guan Dongxing, Li Wentao, Jiang Helong. Molecular weight-dependent spectral and metal binding properties of sediment dissolved organic matter from different origins. Science of The Total Environment. 665, 828–835, 2019.

  8) Xu Huacheng, Ji Li, Kong Ming, Jiang Helong, Chen Jie. Molecular weight-dependent adsorption fractionation of natural organic matter on ferrihydrite colloids in aquatic environment. Chemical Engineering Journal. 363, 356–364, 2019.

  9) Xu Huacheng, Ji Li, Kong Ming, Xu Mengwen, Lv Xizhi. Abundance, chemical composition and lead adsorption properties of sedimentary colloids in a eutrophic shallow lake. Chemosphere. 218, 534–539, 2019.

  10) Si Wei, Xu Huacheng*, Kong Ming, Liu Jin, Xu Mengwen, Liu Xin. Effects of molecular weight fractions and chemical properties of time-series cyanobacterial extracellular polymeric substances on the aggregation of lake colloidal particles. Science of The Total Environment. 692, 1201–1208, 2019.

  11) Xu Huacheng, Lin Hui, Jiang Helong, Guo Laodong. Dynamic molecular size transformation of aquatic colloidal organic matter as a function of pH and cations. Water Research. 144, 543–552, 2018.

  12) Xu Huacheng, Yan Mingquan, Li Wentao, Jiang Helong, Guo Laodong. Dissolved organic matter binding with Pb(II) as characterized by differential spectra and 2D UV-FTIR heterospectral correlation analysis. Water Research. 144, 435–443, 2018.

  13) Xu Huacheng, Xu Mengwen, Li Yani, Liu Xin, Guo Laodong, Jiang Helong. Characterization, origin and aggregation behavior of colloids in eutrophic shallow lake. Water Research. 142, 176–186, 2018.

  14) Xu Huacheng, Guo Laodong. Intriguing changes in molecular size and composition of dissolved organic matter induced by microbial degradation and self-assembly. Water Research. 135, 187–194, 2018.

  15) Xu Huacheng, Guan Dongxin, Zou Li, Lin Hui, Guo Laodong. Contrasting effects of photochemical and microbial degradation on Cu(II) binding with fluorescent DOM from different origins. Environmental Pollution. 239, 205–214, 2018.

  16) Xu Huacheng, E.M. Houghtonc, C.J. Houghton, Guo Laodong. Variations in size and composition of colloidal organic matter in a negative freshwater estuary. Science of the Total Environment. 615, 931–941, 2018.

  17) Xu Huacheng, Guo Laodong. Molecular size-dependent abundance and composition of dissolved organic matter in river, lake and sea waters. Water Research. 117, 115–126, 2017.

  18) Xu Huacheng, Lv Hua, Liu Xin, Wang peifang, Jiang Helong. Electrolyte cations binding with extracellular polymeric substances enhanced Microcystis aggregation: Implication for Microcystis bloom formation in eutrophic freshwater lakes. Environmental Science & Technology.?50, 9034–9043, 2016.


  1)2021.01~2023.12, 中国科学院青年创新促进会优秀会员,项目名称:湖泊污染机理与防治(2016286),项目负责人,150万元。









CopyRight 中国科学院湖泊环境治理与生态修复工程实验室 2021