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2020.05~今:   中国科学南京地理与湖泊研究所,副研究员

2016.07~2020.04 中国科学南京地理与湖泊研究所,助理研究员


2012.09~2016.06 中国科学院生态环境研究中心,生态学,博士

2014.08~2015.09 美国康奈尔大学(Cornell University),国家公派访问博士

2009.09~2012.06 首都师范大学,环境科学,硕士

2005.09~2009.06 河北农业大学,环境科学,学士





1. 2022年 入选中国科学院青年创新促进会会员

2. 2021、2022、2023年 地湖所年度优秀科技成果奖

3. 2018年 江苏省青年地理科技奖

4. 2016年 优秀博士研究生国家奖学金获得者

5. 2014年 国家留学基金委(CSC)公派奖学金获得者


[1].    李叙勇,张汪寿,刘云. 淮河流域生态系统评估. 北京:科学出版社, 2017. ISBN 978-7-03-050405-0

[2].    Zhang WS, Li HP, Xu DW, et al., 2024. Wetland destruction in a headwater river leads to disturbing decline of in-stream nitrogen removal, Environmental Science & Technology 58: 2774-2785.

[3].    Zhang WS, Li HP, Cao H, et al., 2023. Small ponds have stronger potential for net nitrogen removal: Insight from direct dissolved N2 measurement, Science of The Total Environment 900: 165765.

[4].    Zhang WS, Li HP, Li B, 2022. Whole-system estimation of hourly denitrification in a flow-through riverine wetland. Journal of Hydrology. 618:129132.

[5].    Zhang WS, Li HP, Xia TY, et al., 2022. Net N2 fluxes from different lowland ponds draining contrasting land uses in a hilly catchment: Implications for nitrogen removal and its environmental controls. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 237: 108121.

[6].    Zhang WS, Li HP, Pueppke SG, 2022. Direct measurements of dissolved N2 and N2O highlight the strong nitrogen (N) removal potential of riverine wetlands in a headwater stream. Science of The Total Environment 848, 157538.

[7].    Zhang WS, Li HP, Cao H, 2022. Strong variability in nitrogen (N) removal rates in typical agricultural pond from hilly catchment: Evidence from diel and monthly dissolved N2 measurement. Environmental Pollution 314, 120196.

[8].    Zhang WS, Li HP, Xiao QT, et al., 2021. Urban rivers are hotspots of riverine greenhouse gas (N2O, CH4, CO2) emissions in the mixed-landscape lake basin. Water Research 189: 116624.

[9].    Zhang WS, Li HP, Pueppke SG, et al., 2021. Restored riverine wetlands in a headwater stream can simultaneously behave as sinks of N2O and hotspots of CH4 production. Environmental Pollution 284, 117114.

[10]. Zhang WS, Li HP, Pueppke SG, et al., 2020. Nutrient loss is sensitive to land cover changes and slope gradients of agricultural hillsides: Evidence from four contrasting pond systems in a hilly catchment. Agricultural Water Management 237: 106165.

[11]. Zhang WS, Li HP, Hyndman D, et al., 2020. Water quality trends under rapid agricultural expansion and enhanced in-stream interception in a hilly watershed of Eastern China. Environmental Research Letters 15: 044027.

[12]. Zhang WS, Li HP, Xiao QT, et al., 2020. Surface nitrous oxide (N2O) concentrations and fluxes from different rivers draining contrasting landscapes: Spatio-temporal variability, controls, and implications based on IPCC emission factor. Environmental Pollution 263: 114457.

[13]. Zhang WS, Li HP, Kendall A, et al., 2019. Nitrogen transport and retention in a headwater catchment with dense distributions of lowland ponds. Science of The Total Environment 683: 37-48.

[14]. Zhang WS, Pueppke SG, Li HP, et al., 2019. Modeling phosphorus sources and transport in a headwater catchment with rapid agricultural expansion. Environmental Pollution 255: 113273.

[15]. Zhang WS, Li HP, Li YL, 2019. Spatio-temporal dynamics of nitrogen and phosphorus input budgets in a global hotspot of anthropogenic inputs. Science of the Total Environment 656: 1108:1120.

[16]. Zhang WS, Swaney DP, Bongghi H, etal., 2017. Anthropogenic phosphorus inputs to a river basin and their impacts on phosphorus fluxes along its upstream-downstream continuum. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 122: 3273-3287.

[17]. Zhang WS, Swaney DP, Bongghi H, et al., 2017. Influence of rapid rural-urban population migration on riverine nitrogen pollution: perspective from ammonia-nitrogen. Environmental Science & Pollution Research 24: 27201-27214.

[18]. Zhang WS, Li XY, Swaney DP, et al., 2016. Does food demand and rapid urbanization growth accelerate regional nitrogen inputs? Journal of Cleaner Production 112: 1401-1409.

[19]. Zhang WS, Swaney DP, Bongghi H, et al., 2015. Net anthropogenic phosphorus inputs and riverine phosphorus fluxes in highly populated headwater watersheds in China. Biogeochemistry 126(3): 269-283.

[20]. Zhang WS, Swaney DP, Li XY, et al., 2015. Anthropogenic point-source and non-point-source nitrogen inputs into Huai River basin and their impacts on riverine ammonia–nitrogen flux. Biogeosciences 12(14): 4275-4289.


1. 2023.12~2027.12 项目名称:巢湖流域农业面源污染全程防治与智能管控技术集成及应用,科技部重点研发项目,子课题负责人

2. 2022.12~2026.12 项目名称:中国科学院青年创新促进会项目,中国科学院人才项目,项目负责人

3. 2022.11~2025.10 项目名称:丘陵区坡地-水塘系统氮素源汇过程与综合模拟,研究所“一四五”青年人才托举项目,项目负责人

4. 2021.08~2024.05 项目名称:上梧溪流域监测设计、模型模拟及数据监理评估咨询服务,世界银行贷款项目,课题负责人/关键咨询专家

5. 2021.01~2024.12,项目名称:太湖上游丘陵区典型坡地-水塘系统氮素输送过程及反硝化降减机制,国家自然科学基面上项目,项目负责人

6. 2019.01~2023.12,项目名称:湖库水源地小流域环境综合治理示范,中科院A类战略性先导科技专项,技术骨干

7. 2018.12~2022.12 项目名称:宜居村镇建设水资源承载力优化调控技术途径,国家重点研发“绿色宜居村镇技术创新”专项,子课题负责人

8. 2018.01~2020.12 项目名称:太湖上游茶园坡地氮磷流失过程及其对植被盖度变化的响应机制,国家自然科学青年基金项目,项目负责人

9. 2018.01~2020.12 项目名称:流域-湖库生态水文过程与模拟,中科院南京地理与湖泊所“一三五”重点部署项目,课题负责人

10. 2017.10~2020.10 项目名称:苏南丘陵区典型坡地氮磷输移过程与流失机制,江苏省自然科学青年基金项目,项目负责人
