姓  名:
性  别:
职  务:
职  称:
学  历:
电  话:
传  真:

2021.06~今:   ,副研究员
2019.04~2020.08  美国蒙大拿大学,访问学者
2016.01~2021.05  ,助理研究员;                                 
2021.09~2016.12 ,博士后
2007.09~2012.06  暨南大学,水生生物学专业,博士(硕博连读);2009.07~2009.08  美国威斯康辛大学-麦迪逊分校,湖沼学研究中心,访问学者

2003.09~2007.06  鲁东大学,水产养殖专业,学士 







[3] 2021年被评为 ,“优秀党员”

[4]获2020年度 “先进个人”称号;

[5]获2016年在 优秀青年学术报告评“二等奖”;


(1) Jinlei Yu, Zhengwen Liu, Hu He, Wei Zhen, Baohua Guan, Feizhou Chen, Kuanyi Li, Ping Zhong, Franco Teixeira-de Mello, Erik Jeppesen. Submerged macrophytes facilitate dominance of omnivorous fish in a subtropical shallow lake: implications for lake restoration. Hydrobiologia, 2016, 775: 97?107. 

(2) Jinlei Yu, Manli Xia, Hu He, Baohua Guan, Zhengwen Liu, Erik Jeppesen. Species-specific responses of submerged macrophytes to the presence of a small omnivorous bitterling Acheilognathus macropterus. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 753: 141998.
(3) Jinlei Yu, Manli Xia, Hu He, Erik Jeppesen, Baohua Guan, Ze Ren, James J. Elser, Zhengwen Liu. The host mussel Sinanodonta woodiana alleviates negative effects of a small omnivorous fish (Acheilognathus macropterus) on water quality: a mesocosm experiment. Freshwater Science, 2020, 39: 752?761.
(4) Jinlei Yu, Manli Xia, Wei Zhen, Ruijie Shen, Hu He, Baohua Guan, James J. Elser, Zhengwen Liu. Density-dependent effects of omnivorous bitterling (Acheilognathus macropterus) on nutrient and plankton communities: implications for lake management and restoration. Hydrobiologia, 2020, 847: 3309?331.
(5) Jinlei Yu, ZhengwenLiu, Kuanyi Li, Feizhou Chen, BaohuaGuan,Yaohui Hu, Ping Zhong, Yali Tang, Xuefeng Zhao, Hu He, Haiyi Zeng, Erik Jeppesen. Restoration of shallow lakes in subtropical and tropical China: response of nutrients and water clarity to biomanipulation by fish removal and submerged plant transplantation. Water, 2016, 8: 438.
(6) Jinlei Yu, Manli Xia, Ming Kong, Hu He, Baohua Guan, Zhengwen Liu, Erik Jeppesen. A small omnivorous bitterling fish (Acheilognathusmacropterus) facilitates dominance of cyanobacteria, rotifers and Limnodrilus in an outdoor mesocosm experiment. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020, 27: 23862?23870.                                                              (7) Jinlei Yu, Wei Zhen, Lingyang Kong, Hu He, Yongdong Zhang, Xiangdong Yang, Feizhou Chen, Min Zhang, Zhengwen Liu, Erik Jeppesen. Changes in pelagic fish community composition, abundance, and biomass along a productivity gradient in subtropical lakes. Water, 2021, 13:858.
(8) Jinlei Yu, Manli Xia, Wei Zhen, Hu He, Ruijie Shen, Baohua Guan, Zhengwen Liu. A small omnivore fish (Acheilognathus macropterus) reduces both growth and biomass of submerged macrophytes: implications for shallow lake restoration. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 2020, 421: 34.
(9) Jinlei Yu, Hu He, Zhengwen Liu, Erik Jeppesen, Feizhou Chen and Yongdong Zhang. Carbon transfer from cyanobacteria to pelagic and benthic consumers in a subtropical lake: evidence from a 13C labelling experiment. Water, 2019, 11:1536.
(10) Jinlei Yu, Wei Zhen, Baohua Guan, Ping Zhong, Erik Jeppesen, Zhengwen Liu. Dominance of Myriophyllum spicatum in submerged macrophyte communities associated with grass carp. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 2016, 417: 24.
(11) 于谨磊,夏曼莉,关保华,何虎,陈非洲,刘正文. 鳑鲏与河蚌交互作用对浮游生物和底栖生物的影响分析.湖泊科学,2021,33(4):1230-1240.
(12) 于谨磊,杨柳,夏曼莉,候元璋,何虎,关保华,刘正文. 鳑鲏对“蚌?草”关系的影响.湖泊科学,2020,32(5): 1817?1826.
(13) 夏曼莉,于谨磊*,何虎,关保华,陈非洲,刘正文*. 太湖蓝藻碎屑对水质及附着藻和水丝蚓生物量的影响.湖泊科学,2020,32(4):1050-1059
(14) 于谨磊,刘正文,关保华,陈非洲. 一种利用鱼类与底栖动物协同促进沉水植物生长的方法.发明专利(专利号:ZL201710662488.8)。
(15) 于谨磊,刘正文,关保华,陈非洲. 一种基于水质保持下的水绵和附着藻控制方法.发明专利(专利号:ZL201710845556.4)。


[1]. 2015.01~2017.12 乌伦古湖外来鱼类池沼公鱼对土著鱼类河鲈影响的生态学机理研究(31400400),国家自然科学基金青年项目,项目负责人;   

[2]. 2019.01~2022.12 鳑鲏鱼对河蚌-沉水植物关系的影响及其机理研究(41877415),国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目负责人;                     

[3]. 2018.04~2018.12 武汉杨春湖水生态系统现状及生态修复方案设计,地方项目,项目负责人; 

[4]. 2023.01~2026.12 小型杂食性鱼类排泄对草型湖泊沉水植物影响的生态学机理研究(42277067),国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目负责人; 

[5]. 2023.12~2027.11 典型圩(垸)三水协同调控技术示范与推广(2023YFC3208705),国家重点研发计划子课题2负责人;
